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Dreams at Christmas
Visions of Aliens Danced in My Head

Five versions of Ave Maria heard in a three hour time span

I'm too lazy to change the channel this Christmas Eve --- its gave me a bad dream

The coolest three year old honey man spends the night with his dad

Where the presents cost more, on the other side of Highway 100

I hate this season but I've decked the single mom apartment with a 3-foot tree

The baby sized telecaster hides in the closet for my budding Angus Young

My window screams Tijuana Christmas Whore house - I can't wait til this is over

The poinsetta I pinched from the lobby at work watches the corner for the floral police

I dreamed a rapture, apocalypse meets Alien meets Dynasty dream but I wake up

Alive & disappointed, because in an REM stage I easily accept the end of the world.

In my dream I fled an overdone lavish holiday party to have a smoke in the toilet

To the East, alien ships hovered over the entire skyline as the revelers partied

I thought about hiding in the hall closet, but then decided I should save my child

Too late, and there we were -- being examined by alien medical professionals

In my dream the women at the party sported big wedding rings & holiday sweaters

They were the first to be annihilated --- their Crate & Barrel décor untouched.

The aliens tell me that adults are useless to them --- too polluted

I hear a techo-version of Ave Maria playing as they say "We only keep children."

The aliens hand me an envelope and lead Jack away, I say "I will get you back!"

I looked at the envelope, it’s my death certificate addressed to the White House

The ship disappears --- all is quiet, the holiday trappings still hang about the room

But with people writhing and dying in the street they lose that holiday appeal

I wondered if I should find a gun, loot, find food --- or take a nap

I lay back and wait to die… I sigh… when the end continues to elude me I take a walk

Everywhere I looked it was Christmas --- shiny, twinkling obligatory Christmas

On a billboard, Santa tipped his Coke at the Pepsi generation littered in the streets

I found a bartender 7 blocks away who was still alive and serving liquor

I asked him for a job and he asked me if I had any bookkeeping experience

I woke up… it was 7 am --- my boy slept peacefully with his feet in my face

He may never develop the "Christmas Alarm Clock" popular with most believing kids

I doze, then at 10:00 am he stretches & knocks on my head, I smile and say “Come in...”

"Hmmm… I fink there might be a telecaster for me today." was all he said.